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February 26, 2025

How to Use GSAP ScrollTrigger in Webflow for Engaging Effects

Creating dynamic scroll-based animations in Webflow can elevate your website's user experience, making it more interactive and engaging. While Webflow's built-in interactions are powerful, GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) ScrollTrigger unlocks even more possibilities for custom animations triggered by scrolling. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to integrate GSAP ScrollTrigger in Webflow to create stunning effects.

What is GSAP ScrollTrigger?

GSAP ScrollTrigger is a JavaScript plugin that allows you to trigger animations based on scroll position. It provides features such as pinning elements, animating elements on scroll, and linking animations to specific scroll positions.

Why Use GSAP ScrollTrigger in Webflow?

  1. More Control: Unlike Webflow's native interactions, GSAP ScrollTrigger provides advanced options like scrubbing, timeline control, and callbacks.
  2. Performance Optimization: GSAP animations are highly optimized for smooth performance.
  3. Complex Animations: You can create intricate scroll-based animations that Webflow alone may not handle well.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using GSAP ScrollTrigger in Webflow

1. Add GSAP and ScrollTrigger to Webflow

Since GSAP is not built into Webflow, you need to add it manually.


  • Go to Webflow DesignerPage SettingsInside the Custom Code Section.
  • Paste the following inside the Before  tag section:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  • Click Save & Publish to apply the changes

2. Target Your Webflow Elements

In Webflow, give your elements unique class names or IDs so that GSAP can reference them.


  • Create a div and give it a class name like .fade-in-section.
  • Inside this div, add any content you want to animate.

3. Write the ScrollTrigger Script

Once you've set up your elements, you need to add a script to trigger animations.

Example: Fading in an element on scroll

  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    gsap.from(".fade-in-section", {
      opacity: 0,
      y: 50,
      duration: 1.5,
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: ".fade-in-section",
        start: "top 80%", // When the top of the element is 80% in view
        toggleActions: "play none none none" // Play once when it enters

Breakdown of the Code:

  • gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger): Registers the ScrollTrigger plugin.
  • gsap.from(...): Animates the element from an initial state.
  • opacity: 0, y: 50: Starts the element faded out and 50px lower.
  • scrollTrigger: Defines when and how the animation plays.
  • trigger: ".fade-in-section": Targets the element with this class.
  • start: "top 80%": Starts animation when the top of the element reaches 80% of the viewport.
  • toggleActions: "play none none none": Plays the animation once when triggered.

4. Creating More Advanced Scroll Effects

Pinning an Element (Sticky Effect)

Pin an element so it stays fixed while scrolling past a section.

  gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger);".pinned-section", {
    scrollTrigger: {
      trigger: ".pinned-section",
      start: "top top",
      end: "+=500", // Length of pin duration
      pin: true,
      scrub: 1 // Smooth scrolling effect

Horizontal Scrolling Effect

Create a section that moves horizontally as the user scrolls

  let scrollTween =".horizontal-scroll", {
    x: "-200vw", // Moves content to the left
    ease: "none",
    scrollTrigger: {
      trigger: ".horizontal-container",
      start: "top top",
      end: "+=2000px", // Duration of the effect
      scrub: true,
      pin: true

5. Debugging and Performance Optimization

  • Use ScrollTrigger's markers for debugging:
  • Optimize performance by limiting the number of animated elements and using GSAP’s will-change optimizations.
scrollTrigger: {
  markers: true // Shows start and end points

By integrating GSAP ScrollTrigger in Webflow, you can create engaging scroll-based animations that enhance the user experience. Whether you want to add smooth fade-ins, sticky elements, or parallax scrolling effects, GSAP gives you full control over how your elements interact with the scroll position.

Now that you have a strong foundation, try experimenting with different animations and custom effects to make your Webflow site even more dynamic! 🚀

How I Can Help

At Webclaw IT Solutions, we specialize in Webflow development and GSAP animations to create stunning, high-performance websites with seamless animations. Whether you need custom interactions, scroll-based animations, or advanced UI/UX effects, we can bring your vision to life with GSAP and Webflow.

Custom Webflow & GSAP Animation Solutions
Performance Optimization for Smooth Scrolling
Fully Responsive, SEO-Friendly Webflow Websites

Feel free to reach out if you need expert assistance in implementing GSAP animations for your Webflow project! 🚀

Tarun CEO
Founder and CEO
CEO of Webclaw, a leading Webflow development company. At Webclaw, we specialize in creating dynamic and visually stunning websites that help businesses stand out in the digital landscape.
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