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December 11, 2024

How to Create an Accordion in Webflow: A Step-by-Step Guide

Accordions are gre­at tools for arranging content in a neat, user-ce­ntric way. Useful for crafting FAQ areas, feature­ outlines, or product details, accordions refine­ the user expe­rience by concealing and displaying conte­nt on demand. In this post, we're going to guide­ you on making an accordion in Webflow.

What Is an Accordion?

An accordion is a UI pattern that allows users to toggle between showing and hiding sections of content. Each section typically has a title or label that users can click to reveal or hide the associated content.

Now, let’s dive into creating an accordion in Webflow.

Step 1: Create the Basic Structure

  1. Add a Section
    • Drag a Section from the Webflow Elements panel onto the canvas.
    • This will act as the container for your accordion.
  2. Add a Div Block
    • Inside the section, add a Div Block. This will be the parent container for each accordion item.
    • Set its width to 100% and define padding/margin as needed.
  3. Add a Heading and Content Block
    • Add a Text Block or Heading inside the Div Block for the accordion’s title.
    • Add another Div Block under the heading for the hidden content. This Div Block will hold the text, images, or any other elements you want to include.

Step 2: Style the Accordion

  1. Style the Accordion Title
    • Select the heading or text block and give it a class name like accordion-title.
    • Customize font size, color, and padding to match your design.
  2. Style the Accordion Content
    • Select the content Div Block and give it a class name like accordion-content.
    • Set its Display property to None to hide the content initially.

Step 3: Add Interactions

  1. Add a Click Interaction to the Title
    • Select the accordion-title element.
    • Go to the Interactions Panel and add a new Click Interaction.
  2. Create the First Click Animation
    • Set the accordion-content to change its Display property from None to Block.
    • Add an animation for height or opacity to create a smooth transition.
  3. Create the Second Click Animation
    • For the second click (to close the accordion), reverse the animation:
      • Change the Display property back to None.
      • Add the same transition for height or opacity.
  4. Ensure Reusability
    • Set the interaction to Affect Class and limit it to siblings so the interaction only affects the content associated with the clicked title.

Step 4: Test and Refine

  1. Preview the Interaction
    • Click the Preview button in Webflow to test the accordion.
    • Ensure that clicking the title opens and closes the associated content smoothly.
  2. Duplicate for Additional Items
    • To create multiple accordion items, duplicate the parent Div Block containing the title and content.
    • Adjust the content for each item as needed.
  3. Responsiveness
    • Test the accordion on different screen sizes. Use Webflow’s responsive design tools to tweak padding, margins, and font sizes for mobile devices

Creating an accordion in Webflow is straightforward and doesn’t require custom code. With a little styling and interactions, you can create a sleek and functional accordion to enhance your website’s user experience. Start experimenting today and see how it transforms your content presentation!

Tarun CEO
Founder and CEO
CEO of Webclaw, a leading Webflow development company. At Webclaw, we specialize in creating dynamic and visually stunning websites that help businesses stand out in the digital landscape.
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